In this TED talk, Newcastle University professor Sugata Mitra describes his famous “hole in the wall” experiment, which led him to support what he calls “minimally invasive education”. In a nutshell, he gave children in areas of poverty access to a computer and the internet. Then he left them alone and observed. What he discovered is truly amazing, and can be summed up best by his own words: “Children will learn to do what they want to learn to do.”
Check it out…it’s pretty cool.
Math: John Bennett – Why Math Instruction Is Unnecessary
A math teacher who proposes getting rid of higher level math? That’s right. According to John Bennett, 99% of us don’t use higher math in our every day lives. So why should we have to learn it? This video not only explains why middle school and high school math shouldn’t be mandatory, it also offers a suggestion about what to do instead.
“School is Prison” Dr. Peter Gray
When people ask me why on earth I’m unschooling, I love being able to cite actual research that supports it. Dr. Gray’s talk about why schools don’t work from a very basic biological standpoint is fascinating and informative. It’s kind of a long video, but well worth it!
Class Dismissed: A Documentary by 3 Story Films
Race to Nowhere: